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project AVA 

Make your donation to the Indigenous Film Fund


Help donating for the Amazon Indigenous
Film Fund.

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The Indigenous Film Fund of the Amazon,
is a permanent fund created with the objective of raising funds to be destined to the original peoples and traditional communities of the Amazon registered in our education, research, technology, preservation and development programs exclusive to the AVA AMAZÔNIA platform.

With the objective of providing opportunities for those who are part of the platform and access the complete program of connection, reforestation and education provided by the AVA AMAZÔNIA Fund.

The Amazon Indigenous Film Fund,
is a permanent fund created with the aim of raising resources to be allocated to the original peoples and traditional communities of the Amazon registered in our education, research, technology, preservation and development programs exclusive to the AVA AMAZÔNIA platform.

With the aim of providing opportunities for those who are part of the platform and access the complete connection, reforestation and education program provided by the AVA AMAZÔNIA Fund.

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